If you’re out for a walk in the countryside and you suddenly hear what sounds like someone jangling a set of car keys, then it’s probably someone jangling a set of car keys! On the other hand, it could be Mr Corn Bunting sitting high up in some conspicuous position on a telegraph wire or at the very top of a bush rattling off his jingly-jangly song!Most bird books will place this Skylark-coloured reprobate in open farmland where it tends to nest on the ground (though not always), but in the Cotswolds at least, I tend to see them wherever you find a half-decent fence post!Sadly, Corn Bunting numbers across the UK are in free-fall decline, though I do think their numbers are actually on the increase slightly in the South-West, particularly in Cornwall and places like the Cotswolds. This is possibly due to recent and very radical changes in farming methods in such areas and a shift in priorities by farmers themselves in favour of the various types of wildlife inhabiting their land.