UK Wildlife Ranger

UK Wildlife Ranger

A collection of my thoughts and experiences.


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Young Robin 001 070.JPG

I was asked today what had happened to the baby Robins raised by Uppity Bill and Stroppy Madam in one of the nest-boxes in my garden and who I featured on my websites a few weeks ago….Well, at least two of the four chicks appear to have survived and are still hanging around and about my garden.

They are quite capable of fending for themselves now, but will retain their more camouflaged orangey-brown plumage colouration for a few weeks while they remain at their most vulnerable. Only towards the end of the summer will they finally develop the red breast feathers so characteristic of their species.

I should add that this particular youngster is, in fact, a bird I call “Blink” (due to a persistent blink reflex it always seems to have) and is actually the offspring of another pair of Robins who occupy mostly my front garden, White-Eye and Ruby.

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An evergrowing collection of my thoughts.