Spider and Hover Fly 001 836.JPG
just a few miles from Padstow on the north Cornish coast . They were quite small (about half the size of my little finger nail), but were extremely quick and agile….I watched as the unfortunate Hover Fly below was ensnared and paralysed to the point of complete immobility in less than thirty seconds! Their MO seemed to be quite simple (and probably very effective because of it)….Spin a few strands of sticky, trip-wire-like web at strategic points around and about your chosen hiding place (this one had opted to lie in wait on the underside of a nearby leaf) and then just sit there until your next meal (size apparently irrelevant) wanders by and manages to get one of its feet tangled up in your simple, but highly effective trap system….Then all you need to do is strike with the speed of a predatory spider! Interestingly (and like Daddy Long-leg and Spitting Spiders), these guys only appeared to have six eyes instead of the usual eight.
I have no idea what species of spider this is, but I saw this one and the one below within two days of each other doing their spidery stuff in woodland undergrowth earlier this month (August 2008),