UK Wildlife Ranger

UK Wildlife Ranger

A collection of my thoughts and experiences.


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Vestige 001 091.JPG

The wrought ironwork connecting these magnificent old gate posts is totally exquisite and of the highest quality craftsmanship, but it is also all that now remains of the original gates themselves.As for the tree…the total incongruity of its position adds, not just a sense of mystery, but of loss as well…the loss of an altogether different age when life was just a little bit slower and standards were significantly higher. It was a time when the quality of workmanship was much more important too and people cared enough to take a little more time to do things properly and with greater meaning…and in a way that spoke of strength, stability and endurance.Now the substantial has been replaced by the tardily superficial….the notion of endurance by the vacuous, quick-fix demands of a disposable society. People have lost any real sense of permanence in their lives because they surround themselves with vast amounts of predominantly tacky, low quality things rather than enrich their lives with smaller amounts of quality items!Sadly and most importantly, it’s the people who supposedly matter in their lives who end up suffering the most as they hurtle along in their obsessive, never-ending pursuit of career advancement and commodity acquisition!Oh well, that’s what I think anyway.

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