UK Wildlife Ranger

UK Wildlife Ranger

A collection of my thoughts and experiences.


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I like to grow a reasonable amount of Phlox in the garden because the flowers are such a favourite of Butterflies and Bees. They can also grow so prolifically that they begin to take over entire sections of your garden if you’re not careful….A bit like Nettles and Buttercups if, like me, you like to mix wild stuff in with the cultivated.I think I’ve mentioned elsewhere about the time I helped one of the Cotswold’s A-list celebrities to remove a couple of Roe Deer from her mini-estate. They’d managed to find a way in, but had almost certainly been attracted in the first place by the swathes of Phlox flowers that she’d encouraged to take over one corner of a large side garden she’d devoted specifically to wildlife. It’s a fairly well known fact however, that Deer love to eat Phlox and will often risk life and limb to get at it. I also noticed at the time that she was beginning to experience a bit of trouble with Rabbits on her property, but then Rabbits are also very partial to a good Phlox when they can get it!

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An evergrowing collection of my thoughts.