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A little later appearing this year (for the most part) due to the extreme weather we’ve been having of late. Nevertheless, it looks as though there will be an above average showing despite the inclemency, so keep your eyes open for them.
When I was a boy in the 1950’s I would mostly would spend my weekends and holidays wandering miles from home with my dog, Slipper, at my heels. On sunnier days, I would make my way to this very tree perched high on a hill half a day’s walk from home and sit for ages on the lowest bough staring out across the valley below, watching silently as the world passed me by. Slipper meanwhile, would doze amongst the sun-dappled shadows on the mossy grass below, occasionally rising to wander off to have an adventure or two of his own, but always returning twenty or thirty minutes later with his tail wagging and the joy of life in his eyes.