Port Eynon on the Welsh Gower

It’s hard to believe just how poorly my wife was feeling when I took this shot. This was back in September, 2012 and her new courses of treatment weren’t even scheduled to begin until early October. Plus, our son had recently moved to Berlin, where he’ll be doing his psychology doctorate and our daughter had left for university in California just a few days beforehand (where she’s loving every minute of being the only Brit on campus and has already completed about half of my bucket list by the way….without even trying!). weren’t even scheduled to
As it happened, I had about ten days of ranger work to do in South Wales and, rather than Tess and I go by ourselves in my motor-home (or not go at all because I’d only worry about being away from home), I suggested that my wife tag along for an ‘unofficial’ holiday. So she did and we had a really nice time. It’s one of our favouritist places in the UK and we have a long history involving literally dozens of wildlife-ist orientated visits to and surfing holidays on Gower.