Bubble here, has a brother and a sister….Alan and Squeak! Drawn initially by the copious amounts of birdfood, they have adopted my garden as some kind of play-park. Mostly they love to tease my dogs and outrage the Jackdaws who, as far as the “Terrible Trio” are concerned are there purely to provide them with endless entertainment. They also happen to be the offspring of “Tubby- the-Nutter”, long-time resident in the wood at the end of my garden.
I’ve been trying to get a half-decent photo of a Dunnock in the garden for ages. Unfortunately, the branch spoils this one by dividing the picture up too much, but I think I’ve caught something of the mental intensity that lurks behind the eyes of these little birds. Dunnocks are very aggressive towards each other and will occasionally fight to the death, especially at this time of year (spring/summer)! I’ve always thought that they have a half crazy look in their eyes which might be more obvious if you substituted its beak with that of a hawk!