UK Wildlife Ranger

UK Wildlife Ranger

A collection of my thoughts and experiences.


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Talking to a friend this morning (no not my pretend one….he’s on holiday at the moment), I happened to mention how often I’ve been seeing Wasps while out and about….in fact,  I’ve been seeing them since December! Not surprisingly, he was slightly skeptical, not having seen one himself so far this year (remember, none of the Wasp species are really due to be particularly active until later in May). Quick as a flash, I decided to smear some of my special home-made, top secret, extra-strength Wasp and Bee attractant, “WBA #A1” (cunningly disguised as runny honey!) onto a tree branch at the top of the garden to see what happened….Then I smeared some more onto the shed window ten minutes later after one of the Squirrels (“Bubble” I think) licked it all off! Checking back half an hour later, I was delighted to see this very large example of Vespula vulgaris enjoying the sticky provender! At first, I thought it was the much scarcer Dolichovespula media, sometimes (and very unfairly) described as the “Killer Wasp”, but I don’t think it has quite enough black in its markings (notice how cleverly I try to make it look as though I know what I’m talking about by using Latin names).

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An evergrowing collection of my thoughts.