Snow Shots VI Scrap 001.JPG
Nearly two inches of snow fell last night (6th April) and came as a bit of a shock to a great many of us who were just beginning to get used to the idea that Spring had well and truly sprung! “Scraps” (above) looked pretty fed up with it all and the fact that I had to sleep out in it last night high up in the hills in just my bivi-bag on a bed of pine branches with my roll-mat placed on top just about summed it up!I’d set up the new PIR trips we use these days, taped the audible alarm receiver earpiece thingy to my good ear (rendering me practically deaf and unlikely to hear so much as a herd of Deer as they trampled me under hoof!), crawled into my Arctic 5-season sleeping-bag, zipped up the bivi and was asleep well before it started to snow. When I woke up around 0400hrs to the sound of something snuffling about nearby (the earpiece had fallen out of my ear at some point during the night!), I felt unusually warm, but only because I was completely covered in snow!