Potentilla 009 165.JPG
Kune Kune Pig 003 160.JPG
Ok, I admit, I don’t know an awful lot about different breeds of pigs and I may have identified this one incorrectly, but I’m pretty sure that this is a Kune Kune (pronounced “Koony Koony”) and that the breed hails from New Zealand, where it’s had a long association with the Maori people. It’s also a breed that came very close to extinction back in the early 1970s, but is fairing much better now. I believe that there’s even a British Kune Kune Preservation Society who have helped enormously to return this wonderfully good-natured animal from the brink of oblivion….I’ve put another shot of this highly intelligent animal on the “Mountains, Moorlands and Farmlands” page.